Sunday, January 15, 2023

The Western Sephardic Intellectual Tradition (Revised)

This is a revised edition, and combination, of two earlier posts. I have included works by authors who were of Western Sephardic ancestry, those who were raised in or spent a significant part of their lives belonging to Western Sephardic communities, and Hakhamim who served Western Sephardic communities.

To make it easier to choose the preferred link where there are several to choose from, I have marked the different websites as follows:
GB for Google Books, HB for, NLI for the National Library of Israel, TIA for The Internet Archive, FSU for the Freimann Collection of Goethe University

Mose de Semtob Abencabib, Portugal-Naples-Otranto, 15-16th  c

דרכי נעם

Ishac de Abraham Abendana de Britto (Amsterdam, 17th-18th c)/Hahme Hes Haim

Ishac de Joseph Abendana, Hamburg-amsterdam-london, 17th c

Jacob de Joseph Abendana , Spain?-Hamburg-Rotterdam-Amsterdam-London, 17th c

David de Selomo Abeniahia, Lisbon-Naples-Corfu-Larta, 15-16th c

לשון למודים

Joseph de David Abeniahia, Florence-Imola, 16th c

תורה אור
Commento ai Ketuvim o Agiografi

Gedalia de Joseph Abeniahia, Imola-Ferrara-Rovigo-Salonica-Alessandria, 16th c

שלשלת הקבלה

Jacob Haim de Samuel Abennaim, Fez-Livorno, 18th  c

Joseph Haim de Ishac Abensamun, Fez-Tetuan-Livorno-Gibraltar, 18-19th c

עדות ביוסף

Immanuel de Ishac Aboab, Oporto-Pisa-Corfu-Reggio-Venice, 16-17th  c

Ishac de Mattatia Aboab, amsterdam, 16th c

Ishac de David Aboab Da Fonseca, Castro Daire-Amsterdam-Recife, 17th c

Parafrasis Comentado sobre el Pentateuco

Semuel de Abraham Aboab, Hamburg-Verona-Venice, 17th  century

ספר זכרונות
תאות דוד

Abigail de David Abrabanel Lindo, London, 19th c

Hebrew-English Dictionary

Jeuda de Ishac Abrabanel, Lisbon-Genoa-Monopoli-Venice-Naples, 15-16th  c

Dialoghi di Amore
Ishac de Jeuda Abrabanel, Lisbon-Venice, 15th  c

Mose de Gideon Abudiente, Lisbon-Amsterdam-Glückstadt-Hamburg, 17th c

Gramatica Hebraica (used to be online on the website of Hamburg University, looking for new link)

Hizquia David de Mordohai Abulafio, Aquileia-Livorno-Trieste, 18th  c

בן זקונים

Yshac de Acosta, Amsterdam-Peyrehorade-Bayonne, 17th c

Conjeturas Sagradas sobre los Prophetas Primeros

Grace de Emanuel Aguilar, London, 19th c

Mose Refael de Abraham De Aguilar, Portugal-Amsterdam-Mauritsstad, 17th c

Epitome de Gramatica Hebrayca

Uzziel de Mordohai Alhaique, Tunis, 19th c

Joseph de Baruch Almanzi, Padua-Trieste, 19th c

David de Selomo Altaras, Venice, 17-18th c

משנה נקדות הכו''סף
דברי הברית

Selomo de David Altaras, Venice, 18th c

לקט העמר

Mose Altaras, Venice, 16-17th c

Aharon Antunes, Amsterdam-Naarden, 18th c

Ishac Athias, Hamburg-Venice, 17th c 

Tesoro de Preceptos

Isaia de Haim Athias, Livorno, 18-19th c

Ishac de Isaia Athias, Livorno, 18-19th c

אשת חיל
זרע יצחק
משרת משה
רוב דגן
ויקרא יצחק
תנא ושייר - פני המים

Mordohai de Ishac Asban, Africa-Livorno-Aleppo-Jerusalem, 18th c

Refael Isaiah de Haim Joseph David Azulai, Hebron-Livorno-Ancona, 18-19th c

זכרון משה

Mordohai Baruh Carvalho, Tunis, 18th c

תועפות ראם

Ishac de Mordohai Baruh Carvalho, Tunis, 18th c

Mose Barzilay (Robles), London, 18th c

Eliau de Abraham Benamozegh, Livorno, 19th c

אם למקרא
אימת מפגיע
טעם לש''ד
יענה באש
Teologia Dogmatica e Apologetica

Abraham de Mose Boccara, Tunis, 19th c

Simson de Gabriel Boccara, Tunis, 19th c

Ishac Bonan, Tunis, 18th-19th c

אהלי יצחק
אהל ישרים

David de Ishac Bonan, Tunis, 19th c

די השב
מועד דוד

David de Abraham Bueno de Mesquita, London, 19-20th c

Semuel de Mose Calai, Trikala-Venice-Arta, 16th c

Haim Ishac de Mose Caregal, Hebron-Curaçao-London-US-Barbados, 18th c

Ishac Cardoso, Trancoso-Salamanca-Valladolid-Madrid-Venice-Verona, 17th c

Las Excelencias de los Hebreos

Hanania de Menahem Cases, Florence, 17-18th c

קנאת סופרים
חק לישראל

Moisè de Samuel Cases, Mantua, 16-17th c

פירוש הגמרא ms:

David Castelli, Livorno-Pisa-Florence, 19th c

Leggende Talmudiche, Traduzione con Prefazione Critica
Il Libro del Cohelet
Il Messia Secondo gli Ebrei
L'Ecclesiaste, Traduzione e Studio Critico
Della Poesia Biblica
Il Commento di Sabbatai Donnolo al Libro della Creazione
La Profezia nella Biblia
Il Cantico dei Cantici, Studio Esegetico, Traduzione e Note
Gli Ebrei, Sunto di Storia Politica e Letteraria

Abraham Ishac de Joseph Castello, Ancona-Livorno, 18th c

Joseph de Semuel aCathan, Fez-Livorno-Venice, 17th c

ספר הישר

Aaron de David Cohen, Ragusa-Venezia, 17th c

Ishac de Meir aCohen, Livorno, 18-19th c

Ishac Hizqia de Eliau Cohen Belinfante, Amsterdam, 18th c

Joseph de Josuah aCohen, Avignon-Genoa, 16th c

Mal'aki de Jacob aCohen, Livorno, 18th c

יד מלאכי
שבחי תודה

Mose de Saddik Cohen Belinfante, The Hague-Copenhagen-Amsterdam, 18th-19th c

Geschenk voor de Israelitische Jeugd

Aharon de Benjamin Haim Cohen Carillon, Amsterdam, 18th-19th c

Daniel de David Cohen D'Azevedo, Amsterdam, 18th-19th c

Mose de Daniel Cohen De Azevedo, Amsterdam-London, 18th c

Hiya de Quelipha Cohen De Lara, Agadir (Santa Cruz)-Amsterdam, 18th c

משמרות כהונה
כנפי יונה
מרכבת המשנה

David de Ishac Cohen De Lara, Amsterdam-Hamburg, 17th c

עיר דוד - De Convenientia Vocabulorum Rabbinicorum

Abraham Cohen Pimentel, Amsterdam-Hamburg, 17th c

מנחת כהן
Questoens & Discursos Academicos (used to be online on a German website, maybe it just moved)

Semuel Cohen de Piza Lusitano, Lisbon?-Venice, 17th c

צפנת פענח

Semuel de David Colombo, Livorno, 19-20th c

Joseph de Mordohai Corcos, Livorno?, 19th c

יוסף חן

Joseph Moses de Jeuda Corcos, Mogador-London-Kingston-Curaçao-New York-Montreal, 19th-20th c

Tranquillo Vita (Hisquiau Manoah Haim) de Ishac Corcos, Roma, 17-18th c

David Haim de Jeuda Mose Corinaldi, Reggio-Livorno-Trieste, 18th c

בית דוד

Israel de Immanuel Costa, Livorno, 19th c

כי נער ישראל

Semuel de Aharon Curiel, Trieste, 19th c

Benjamin de Rafael Dias Brandon, Amsterdam, 18th c

Benjamin de Jahacob Espinosa, Livorno, 18th c

שער בנימין
נוה קדש

Joseph Sabbethai Farhi, Livorno, 19th c

עושה פלא
גדולים מעשי יי
רוכב ערבות

Abraham Farrar, Porto-Lisbon-Amsterdam, 17th c

Abraham Da Fonseca, Amsterdam-Glückstadt-Hamburg, 17th c

עיני אברהם

Immanuel de David Frances, Mantua-Algiers-Livorno, 17th c

מתק שפתים

Jahacob de David Frances, Mantua-Livorno?, 17th c

Joseph Frances, Ferrara, 16th c

David de Abraham Franco Mendes, Amsterdam, 18th c

גמול עתליה

Ishac de Selomo Gabbai, Livorno, 17th c

כף נחת

Abraham Gabay Yzidro, Portugal-London-Amsterdam, 17-18th c

Semtob de Ishac Gaguine, Jerusalem-Cairo-Manchester-London, 19-20th c

כתר שם טוב

Joseph de Salom Gallego, Salonika-Amsterdam, 17th c

אמרי נעם

Abraham Gomes Silveira, Arévalo-France-Amsterdam, 17-18th c

Disertaciones sobra el Mesias ms

Abraham de Semuel Guedalia, Jerusalem-Verona-Livorno, 17th c

ברית אברהם

Ishac Guetta, Trieste-Safed, 18-19th c

שדה יצחק

Elisah de Selomo Habilho, Venice-Livorno, 18th c

פת לחם
עבודת התמיד

Jacob Israel de Samuel Haggiz, Fez-Livorno, 17th c

עץ החיים על המשנה
הלכות קטנות
ארח מישור

Moses de Jacob Haggiz, Jerusalem-Livorno-Venice-Amsterdam-Altona-Sidon-Safed, 17-18th c

לקט הקמח
שפת אמת
מלחמה ליי

Israel Mose de Eliezer Hazzan, Izmir-Roma-Corfu-Alexandria-Sidon, 19th c

כרך של רומי
נחלה לישראל
שארית הנחלה
Successione per Israele

Martin de Ruben Henriques, Copenhagen, 19th c

Haim Abraham de Mose Israel, Jerusalem-Rhodes-Candia-Alexandria-Livorno-Ancona, 18th c

בית אברהם
אמרות טהורות

Refael Jeuda de Haim Abraham Israel, Rhodes-Candia-Alexandria-Ancona-Livorno, 18th c

Menasse de Joseph Ben Israel, Madeira-Amsterdam, 17th c

De Creatione Problemata

Yosef de Haim Jabes, Lisbon-Ferrara-Mantua 15-16th

Jacob de Abraham Jeuda Leão (Templo), Buarcos?-Hamburg-Middelburg-Amsterdam, 17th c

תבנית היכל

Solomon Rafael Jeuda Leão Templo, Amsterdam, 17th-18th c

ראשית חכמה - Gramathica Hebrayca

Ishac de Abraham Haim Jessurun, Venice-Hamburg, 17th c

פנים חדשות
Liuro da Providencia Divina

Ishac de Semuel Lampronti, Ferrara, 17-18th c

פחד יצחק

Abraham de Ishac Laniado, Aleppo-Safed-Venice, 16-17th c

נקדות הכסף

Dante Dan de David Lattes Ajò, Pitigliano-Livorno-Trieste-Florence-Rome-Jerusalem-Venice, 19th-20th c

Manoel de Leão, Leiria-Amsterdam, 17th-18th c

Isaac de Uri Leeser, Neuenkirchen-Münster-Richmond-Philadelphia 19th c

Translation of the Pentateuch

David de Ishac Leon, Amsterdam, 18th c

Ishac de Eliezer Leon Abensur, Ancona, 16th c

מגלת אסתר על ספר המצות

Selomo de Mose Levi Maduro, Amsterdam, 18th c

Ishac de Semuel Levi Valle, Livorno-Jerusalem-Verona-Reggio Emilia, 17th c

לחם הפנים ms
כללי טרפות ms

Isaac de Moses Lindo Mocatta, London, 19th c

Ishac lopes, Amsterdam, 17th

Mose de Abraham Lopes, Portugal-Newport, 18th-19th c

Lunar Calendar

Ishac Lopes De Almeyda, Amsterdam-Antwerp, 17th c

Jacob de David Lopes Cardozo, Amsterdam-Charleston-Darlington-New York, 19th c

Iets over de Feest- en Vastendagen bij de Israëlieten
Hebrew-American Manual for New York 1887

Jahacob de Aron Lopes Da Fonseca, Curaçao, 18-19th c

Sermão Moral e Panegirico

Daniel Israel Lopes Laguna, Portugal?-Peyrehorade?-Spain-Jamaica-London, 17th c

Ishac de Mose Lopes Pereira, Amsterdam, 18th c

Mordohai Refael Malchi, Portugal?-Venice-Livorno-Jerusalem, 17th c


David Israel de Eleazar Meldola, Mantua-Livorno-Florence, 17th c

אמונה אומן

Eleazar de David Israel Meldola, Florence-Livorno, 17th c

הלכה והגדה

Jacob Hai de David Meldola, Livorno, 18th c

אשת חיל

Abraham de David Meldola, Amsterdam-Altona-Hamburg, 18th-19th c

David de Refael Meldola, Livorno-Bayonne-Amsterdam, 18th c

מועד דוד

Refael de Eleazar Meldola, Livorno-Pisa-Bayonne, 17th-18th c

מים רבים

Refael De Hizqiau Meldola, Livorno-London, 18th-19th c

Aaron David de Abraham Meldola de Sola, Montreal, 19th-20th c

Mose Hai de Jacob Refael Hai Melul, Livorno, 18th c

Miriam de Abraham Mendes Belisario, London, 19th c

Shabbat Evenings at Home

Isaac de Aron Mendes Belisario London 18th c

Aaron de Jahacob Mendes Chumaceiro, Amsterdam-Curaçao, 19th c

Zestal Leerredenen (with Jacob Ferares and David Lopes Cardozo)

Selomo de Abraham? Mendes Coutinho, Amsterdam, 18th c

תשובות ms

Aaron de Daniel Mendoza, Amsterdam-London-Cork, 18th c

Mose de Israel De Mercado, Amsterdam, 17th c

Selomo de Ishac De Meza, Amsterdam-Maarssen, 17th-18th c

שלחן שלמה

Jahacob de Selomo De Meza, Izmir-Amsterdam, 17th-18th

Abraham Haim de Jahacob De Meza, Amsterdam, 18th c

Meditaçoens Sacras
Sermao Moral

David de Abraham Hayim de Meza, Amsterdam, 18th c

Moses de Abraham Mocatta, London, 18th-19th c

Refael Benjamin de Jeosuah Moreno, Jerusalem-Livorno, 18th c

Elia Montalto, Castello Branco-Pisa-Florence-Venice-Paris, 16th-17th c

Portuguese vs (ms)

Joseph de Abraham de Monteles, Amsterdam, 17th c

אורחות חיים ms

Sabato de Samuel Morais, Livorno-London-Philadelphia, 19th c

Saul (de Joseph?) Levi Mortera, Venice-Paris-Amsterdam, 17th c

גבעת שאול
Providencia de Dios con Israel
Declaracion de differentes Mahamarim del Talmud

Benjamin de Immanuel Musaphia, Iberia?-Hamburg-Glückstadt-Amsterdam, 17th c

זכר רב

David de Pinehas Netto, Venice-Reggio Emilia-Rome-Padua-Livorno-London, 17th-18th c

אש דת

Carlos Vero (possibly Netto's pseudonym)

Emanuel de Selomo Nunes Carvalho, London-Barbados-Charleston-Philadelphia, 18th-19th c

Ishac de Joseph Nunes Vais, Livorno, 18th c

שיח יצחק

Jahacob de Ishac Nunes Vais, Livorno, 18th-19th c

דעת זקנים

Mose Jahacob de David Ottolenghi, Livorno-Salonika, 19th c

צמח דוד
משפט ליעקב

Selomo de David De Oliveira, Amsterdam, 17th c

אילת אהבים

Ishac Orobio de Castro, Bragança-Seville-Salamanca-Toulouse-Amsterdam, 17th c

Prevenciones Divinas

Alfonso Jeuda Menahem de Joseph Pacifici, Florence-Jerusalem, 19th-20th c

Riccardo Reuben de Mordohai Pacifici, Florence-Venice-Rhodes-Genoa, 20th c

Joseph de David Pardo, Amsterdam-Rotterdam-London, 17th c

שלחן הטהור

David de Joseph Pardo, Amsterdam, 17th c

Compendio de Dinim

Jacob de David Pardo, Ragusa-Spalato-Venice, 18th c

David de Jacob Pardo, Venice-Ragusa-Sarajevo-Spalato-Jerusalem, 18th c

שושנים לדוד
חסדי דוד
ספרי דבי רב

Jacob Vita de David Pardo, Ragusa-Padua, 19th c

Ishac de Mose de Pas, Livorno, 18th c

Abraham Israel Peregrino de Cordoba, Cordova-Amsterdam, 17th c

La Fortalezza del Hebraismo e Confusion del Estero

Abraham de Ishac Pereira Mendes, Kingston-London-Montego Bay-Birmingham-Newport, 19th c

Henry de Abraham Pereira Mendes, Birmingham-Manchester-New York, 19th-20th c

Jewish History

Joseph de Ishac Penso de la Vega, Hamburg-Amsterdam-Antwerpen 17th c 

פרדס שושנים

Mose Aharon Rahamim Piazza, Livorno, 18th c

David Piazza, Spalato, 19th c?

Azaria de Efraim Piccio, Venice-Pisa, 16-17th c

בינה לעתים

Abraham Baruch de Mose Rafael Piperno, Livorno, 19th c

Leone Jeuda de Jahacob Racah, Tripoli-Livorno, 19th c

Emanuel de David Eliau Roches, Ferrara, 19th c

Abraham Haim Rodrigues, Livorno, 18th c

ארח לצדיק

Jacob de Abraham Rodrigues Moreira, London, 18th c

Angiolo Mordohai Rafael Haim de David Sacerdoti, Florence-Reggio Emilia-Rome, 19th-20th c

Jacob de Ishac Sahalon, Rome-Ferrara, 17th c

ישועות יעקב
תתן אמת ליעקב
קהלת יעקב

Mordohai de Jacob Sahalon, Ferrara, 18th c

Selomo de Jehiel Salem, Adrianople-Vidin-Sofia-Belgrado-Amsterdam, 18th c

לב שלם
דברי שלמה

Joseph de Benjamin Samega, Salonika-Padua-Venice, 16-17th c

מקראי קדש
דרך ימים

Jahacob de Selomo Hisquiau Saruco, Amsterdam, 18th c

Avizos Espirituaes (with Ishac de Leon)

Selomo de Ishac Saruco, Amsterdam-The Hague, 18th

Jacob de Aharon Sasportas, Oran-Tlemcen-Salé-Amsterdam-London-Hamburg-Livorno, 17th c

אהל יעקב
קצור ציצת נובל צבי

Selomo (de ??? NOT Ishac de Jahacob, who was his cousin) Sasportas, Oran-Nice, 17th-18th c

שש שערים

Nahman Nathan de David Senior Coronel, Amsterdam-Safed-Jerusalem, 19th c

זכר נתן
בית נתן

Sergio Josef de Gereshon Sierra, Rome-Bologna-Turin-Jerusalem, 20th c

Hizquia de David Da Silva, Livorno-Jerusalem, 17-18th c

פרי חדש
Sermon moral : del Fundamento de Nuestra Ley

Semuel Da Silva, Porto-Coimbra-Amsterdam-Hamburg, 16-17th c

David de Aron De Sola, Amsterdam-London, 19th

Frederick de Abraham De Sola Mendes, Montego Bay-London-New York, 19th-20th c

Emily de Solomon Solis Cohen, Philadelphia, 19th-20th c

Elio de Sabbetai Toaff, Livorno-Ancona-Rome, 20th c

Abraham Baruh de Ishac Tolosa, Livorno, 19th c

מבוא הלמוד

Samuel Usque, Ferrara-Safed, 16th c

Jeuda Uzziel, Spain-Venice, 16-17th c

פירוש התורה

Ishac de Abraham Uzziel, Fez-Amsterdam, 16th-17th c

מענה לשון

Abraham Vaez, Bayonne, 17th c

Jeuda de Mose(?) Vega, Constantinople-Amsterdam, 16-17th c

מלכי יהודה?

Sabbetai de Abraham Ventura, Spalato, 18th c

Naphtali de Issachar Wessely, Copenhagen-Hamburg, 18th c

שירי תפארת
יין לבנון
חקור הדין
מגיד חדשות

Mose Zurreño Luna, Spain-Rotterdam-Palestine?, 17th-18th c